Thursday, September 9, 2010

abolute sharpness is overated.

I am starting to fall in love with old leica glass specfically mandler era glass. My mentor prefers even older leitz glass.
Basically pre asph lens allow a continuity of vision across planes. This is prefered since i make pictures with multiple subjects often counter-balancing each other. Some might describe it as painterly.

Modern lens have the of kind of sharpness that calls attention to itself. When accurately focused it can create out of world kind of imagery. But if inaccurately done it screams error.

These problem are often at large aperture say 2.8 and wider.

Another thing is that when viewing on LCD it seems that sharpness is magnified. When on matte print it is less the case.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

KISS printing.

Its a horror to print your pictures. Color incorrect argh..
Its ok if you are the expressionist but for protraits family shots it a pain.

Black and white you might face color cast warm/neutral you never quite sure

Suggestion: BW
USE specialize ink

A3+ you can use Epson stylus office 1100 (asia)IE workforce 1100 for (north america)
For better sharper detail print you can get Epson R1900 better as the droplet size is smaller.
But workforce 1100 with MIS ink doesn't seem to need to deal with as much software work.